Soil and groundwater remediation is one of the primary focuses of EAGLE’s capability. EAGLE has completed numerous soil and groundwater remediation projects throughout Colorado and New Mexico. Since much of the cost for environmental issues are related to remediation, EAGLE recognizes that this is the area that our clients’ costs can most significantly be reduced. Therefore, EAGLE has invested the time and resources to offer our clients the most innovative and cost-effective remedial approaches available to bring their sites to closure promptly. EAGLE has made substantial advances in implementing a wide range of remedial technologies from in situ chemical and bio-remedial approaches to multiphase system installations. The soil and groundwater remediation experience of our staff encompasses Superfund sites, compressor stations, exploration and production sites, bulk fuel terminals, gas stations, chemical plants, and various commercial and industrial sites.
Services include:
- Remedial Alternative Evaluation/Technology Screening
- Remedial / Corrective Action Plans
- Remedial Construction Oversight
- System Installation and Startup
- Operations and Maintenance
- Closure Monitoring
EAGLE has direct project experience with the following remedial technologies:
- Dual- Phase Vacuum Extraction
- Soil Vapor Extraction
- Air Sparging
- In situ Chemical Oxidation
- Ozone Sparging
- Excavation
- Bioremediation
- Natural Attenuation Monitoring
- Pump and Treat